Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Las Cienegas and some Biking

Haven't shared any pic in awhile. Been kinda lazy and tired of summer. Hardly any riding or anything that past few weeks. Just lots of house demolition. So decided to get things going again with a little day trip to Las Cienegas grasslands southeast of Tucson. Figured with all the recent rain it would be nice and green. Day turned out kinda bunk. Got down there and had some great sunlight for about 20 minutes then a weak storm rolled in and killed the mood. Stuck it out hoping for at least a salvageable sunset which I ended up getting. Not ideal but not bad either. Need to make another trip down there soon.

You can see the corner of the storm off to the right. Looming.

Things starting to clear up a bit as the sun was starting to go down.
 The cruiser enjoying the show as well.
 Not bad out.
 Last hints.

Also  a few random riding shots from the past few weeks and a few from an awesome cactus bloom.

 Starr Pass Valley